GlobalBit is the leading Israeli mobile application company. We provide state of the art mobile, websites, branding, web apps and user acquisition services.
In 2016 GlobalBit was recognized as Top 5 Software Development Studio by StartIsrael – major Israeli technology and entrepreneurship portal.
Most of applications that were developed by GlobalBit topped App Store / Google Play charts in dozens countries and were featured by the most appreciated media channels – including prime time news, major newspapers worldwide and leading blogs and websites, such as TechCrunch, Mashable, FastCompany and many others.
Today more than 40,000,000 users enjoy apps developed by GlobalBit. Our apps won prestigious mobile apps prizes and were featured by Apple as “Best New”, “Apps we Love”, “Hot” and “Noteworthy”. All that helped our clients raise more than $117MM.
Among our clients you’ll find the most amazing Israeli startups like Moovit together with industry leaders such as Pfizer, Medtronic or Jerusalem Post.

- טלפון: 03-6540550
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